In a world of misinformation, Fitness Pudding is here to separate fact from fallacy, and science from fiction.

Fitness Pudding - Where The Proof Is

Exercise or Diet for Belly Fat?


There are two types of ‘belly fat’. The type under our skin (subcutaneous), although maligned, likely holds little to no disease risk. The other type (visceral) hidden deep inside the belly holds high disease risk. It creeps into and around our organs, including our heart. Yikes. Studies have found that both exercise and dieting (typically restricting calories by 500 per day) help decrease both types of belly fat to about the same degree in adults classified...
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  2457 Hits
2457 Hits

Does Interval Training (HIIT) 'Beat' Belly Fat?

Does Interval Training (HIIT) 'Beat' Belly Fat?
This is how I got here. I first saw a post on Yahoo! News, "Beat Belly Fat With This 45-minute Running Workout," which brought me to another article by the same title. I noticed there had been 6,000 shares of this article in about 7 hours, and I know many would like to 'beat' belly fat, so I kept reading. The article details a 45-minute running with 19 different 1-5 min intervals workout ranging from 4.0-7.5...
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  6566 Hits
6566 Hits
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