In a world of misinformation, Fitness Pudding is here to separate fact from fallacy, and science from fiction.

Fitness Pudding - Where The Proof Is

Smell Lemons, Feel Slimmer?


  Recent headlines claim that smelling lemons can make you feel slimmer. Is there truth to this claim, or is it just a bunch of sour…lemons? The original research examined how smell affects ‘body image perception’. 1 In study one, 14 young adults (mostly men), were exposed to lemon and vanilla scents, and then asked to rate the perceived scent on a line, where a thin body silhouette anchored one side, and a thick body silhouette...
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  1619 Hits
1619 Hits

Could Weight Loss Improve Daytime Sleepiness?

Could Weight Loss Improve Daytime Sleepiness?
As many of us struggle with the time change today - we can keep in mind that at least 13% of Americans report regularly having "excessive daytime sleepiness" (EDS), which has increased from 10% in 2002. 2 Much of the problem comes from insufficient sleep and associated sleep disorders, of which 50 to 70 million people suffer. 4  Also, many of us do not get the recommended amout of quality sleep each night . Subsequently, "short...
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  3138 Hits
3138 Hits

Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

The classic brain teaser asks, “What weighs more, a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?” Unfazed by this childish trickery, we would answer that they would weight the same – one ton. Using the same rationale, could we answer, “Does muscle weigh more than fat?” And this is our question for the day. Pound versus pound, sure, they would be the same. One pound of muscle weighs the same as one pound of fat....
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  9261 Hits
9261 Hits
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