In a world of misinformation, Fitness Pudding is here to separate fact from fallacy, and science from fiction.

Fitness Pudding - Where The Proof Is

How COVID-19 Causes of Loss of Smell

A peculiar side effect of COVID-19  is a loss of smell (anosmia), which according to researchers at Harvard Medical School is not a myth. Curious how it works? Read More
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  2201 Hits
2201 Hits

Phantom Odors?


Is ‘phantom odor’ a real thing, or does something smell a bit fishy? I know it might sound like a peculiar superhero name, but ‘phantom odor’ is actually a real thing, where individuals perceive odors in the absence of an external stimulus. There is nothing to smell, but they smell something anyway – usually odors described as foul, rotten or chemical. As many as 1 out of 20 people experience phantom odors, with little knowledge of...
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  1848 Hits
1848 Hits

Sleeping with a Bar of Soap for Restless Leg and Cramps?

Sleeping with a Bar of Soap for Restless Leg and Cramps?
I was recently reminded of an "old wive's tale" that a bar of soap under the bed sheet can reduce everything from muscle cramps and restless leg syndrome to arthritis. As ridiculous as it sounded to me, I scoured the internet, and was astonished at how many people were claiming this trick works. What Do People Claim? Some say they use a small bar of soap, while others chose a large bar. Some put the soap...
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  13019 Hits
13019 Hits

Weight Loss Smells: Scents and Food Cravings

Weight Loss Smells: Scents and Food Cravings
Our desire to eat is not always due a deep, physiological drive for hunger. We easily respond to cues from food, such as how they look, sound, and smell. Our emotions also play an important role in what, when, and how much we eat – especially when considering certain high sugar, high fat foods can provide 'comfort' in times of need, such as boredom, shame, or guilt. Why? Because, such foods can be related to feelings...
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  8495 Hits
8495 Hits
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