In a world of misinformation, Fitness Pudding is here to separate fact from fallacy, and science from fiction.

Fitness Pudding - Where The Proof Is

Later Evening Meal Versus Earlier Evening Meal for Weight Loss

A really cool study recently examined 82 women on a hypocaloric diet, who were randomly assigned to an ‘early evening meal group’ (EEM; 7:00-7:30pm) or a ‘late evening meal group’ (LEM; 10:30-11:00pm) for 12 weeks. 1 The EEM group did lose a little more weight, about 4.5 lbs, on average, than the LEM group (15 lbs vs.10.5 lbs), leading the authors to conclude that, “eating an earlier evening meal resulted in favorable changes in weight loss...
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Metabolism Myths | Expert Series Podcast

I was honored to connect with my friend Dr. Bill Campbell, an expert on metabolism myths, as a part of the new, Expert Series Podcast.  View on Youtube Follow Dr. Campbell on Instagram: @billcampbellphd If you enjoy, please like, subscribe and consider donating to help deliver more myth-busting content, faster.  
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2469 Hits

Psyllium for Weight Loss?


Psyllium is a source of viscous, gel-forming, water-soluble fiber. It is one of the most widely used fiber supplements all over the world. Traditionally, psyllium has been most recognized for regularity and bloating concerns, such as Edrolax a constipation relief aid in the early 1930s, not to be confused with Ed Rolax former forward for the Florida Gulf Coast Eagles. Since then, claims for weight loss range from improving regularity and feelings of fullness, helping crowd...
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Smell Lemons, Feel Slimmer?


  Recent headlines claim that smelling lemons can make you feel slimmer. Is there truth to this claim, or is it just a bunch of sour…lemons? The original research examined how smell affects ‘body image perception’. 1 In study one, 14 young adults (mostly men), were exposed to lemon and vanilla scents, and then asked to rate the perceived scent on a line, where a thin body silhouette anchored one side, and a thick body silhouette...
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1619 Hits

The Blood Type Diet?


The ‘blood-type’ diet is based on a popular book published in 1996, which has since sold over 7 million copies. 2,3 The idea is that our blood group reveals something about our ancestral dietary habits, and matching our current eating to those habits help reduce disease risk. Those with blood group O, the hunter, are advised to eat a high-animal protein diet, blood type A, the agrarian, a mostly vegetarian diet, type B, the nomad, should...
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Chewing Gum to Walk Faster and Burn More Calories?


After bursting bubbles that chewing gum is not our next great weight loss answer , I was sent internet articles, such as these. This one even claims that walking and chewing gum, a feat in and of itself, could help men lose weight, apparently just before the next hurricane. They all refer back to this recent research study where 46 adults completed two walking tasks. 1 In the ‘experimental’ task, they walked at a natural pace...
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2806 Hits

Chewing Gum for Weight Loss?


This ad from the 1960s for Vel-X gum, makes some pretty strong claims, regarding chewing gum and fat or weight loss. Fast forward to 2018 we also see some claims regarding gum improving weight loss. Could there be any truth to these claims? Let’s think about how this would even work, assuming regular gum with no additives or stimulants, such as caffeine or nicotine. One possibility is by increasing energy expenditure. In other words, could chewing gum...
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Does the Speed of Dieting Affect Weight Regain


The concept of slow or fast dieting does not refer to how fast one eats, rather to the rate to which one loses weight from dieting. There is the more traditional thought if you can lose weight more slowly (a slow diet), you can keep it off more successfully that if you lose weight too quickly (a fast diet). However, proponents of “fast dieting” are now challenging this theory, claiming it is actually better than “slow...
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Weight Regain After 'The Biggest Loser'?


Video only.
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Ping Pong for Weight Loss?

Ping Pong for Weight Loss?

I went back and forth on whether or not to cover this one, but it kept bouncing back up.  In short, ping pong (or table tennis) is being promoted as a weight loss tactic. What We Already Know The Compendium of Physical Activities has table tennis listed as a 4.0 MET activity. "MET" stands for the metabolic equivalent of a task, and represents the amount of energy required for a particular test. 1 MET is the...
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