In a world of misinformation, Fitness Pudding is here to separate fact from fallacy, and science from fiction.

Fitness Pudding - Where The Proof Is

Apple Cider Vinegar for Varicose Veins

Apple cider vinegar has been stressed in many websites to help with varicose veins in the legs, which exists in 25-50% of adults. But does it work? You don’t know, until you put it to the test. In the link below, my colleauge, Dr. Michael Greger at reviews the results of a 'randomized controlled trial' on the effect of topical apple cider vinegar on varicose veins. "Topical Apple Cider Vinegar for Treating Varicose Veins" at
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1329 Hits

Frozen Veggies as Nutritious as Fresh Veggies?

Several research efforts have concluded that nutrients in frozen veggies are generally similar in comparable fresh veggies (and sometimes greater), perhaps due to being blanched and flash frozen after harvesting. However, what do you think of frozen veggies? New research suggests that your perception could be a key factor in your willingness to give frozen veggies a chance in your diet. For me, I find certain frozen veggies are quite good (e.g., corn, peas), while others...
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Mind Over Myth

I had the honor of being asked to be a part of the Fall 2020 lecture series put on every year by the Texas Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine  for students, faculty and practitioners. In this presentation I discuss the evidence-based process I developed over the years to help educate on health and fitness myths through—to not be fooled by having a mind over myth. Be sure to follow the Texas Chapter of...
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Halloween Toys: A Trick or Treat?


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2165 Hits

How COVID-19 Causes of Loss of Smell

A peculiar side effect of COVID-19  is a loss of smell (anosmia), which according to researchers at Harvard Medical School is not a myth. Curious how it works? Read More
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Smell Lemons, Feel Slimmer?


  Recent headlines claim that smelling lemons can make you feel slimmer. Is there truth to this claim, or is it just a bunch of sour…lemons? The original research examined how smell affects ‘body image perception’. 1 In study one, 14 young adults (mostly men), were exposed to lemon and vanilla scents, and then asked to rate the perceived scent on a line, where a thin body silhouette anchored one side, and a thick body silhouette...
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1629 Hits

Is Your Shaker Bottle Contaminated?


The shaker bottle, holds everything from water to post-workout protein shakes. But, could it also be a vehicle capable of transmitting various pathogens, or is this just some dirty joke? This study put 60 bottles to the test. 1 Thirty were brand-new, non-used bottles (NUB), and 30 were used bottles (UB) randomly selected in a dry and empty state from gym goers. Here [see video] is the percentage contamination found for non-used bottles…and used bottles. 25...
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2917 Hits

Phantom Odors?


Is ‘phantom odor’ a real thing, or does something smell a bit fishy? I know it might sound like a peculiar superhero name, but ‘phantom odor’ is actually a real thing, where individuals perceive odors in the absence of an external stimulus. There is nothing to smell, but they smell something anyway – usually odors described as foul, rotten or chemical. As many as 1 out of 20 people experience phantom odors, with little knowledge of...
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1825 Hits

McDonald's French Fries: A Cure for Baldness?


A recent study on hair growth needed to make a silicone container or chip. An epoxy mold was surrounded with a silicone polymer called poly-dimethyl-siloxane. This chip was then covered in culture of hair follicles germs, and implanted on the back of a nude mouse. As a result, there was hair growth. Clearly then, McDonald’s french fries cure baldness, right? No. The study found that hair growth on the mice was from hair follicle germs, and...
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Can How Fast You Walk Predict Your Risk of Dying?

Can How Fast You Walk Predict Your Risk of Dying?

 “How would you describe your usual walking pace?” Slow Pace Average, Steady Pace Brisk Pace If you are like the nearly 421,000 middle-aged adults who were asked this question, it can tell you about your risk of dying from cancer or cardiovascular disease. 2 Here was the percentage of women dying from anything (or all-cause), cancer or cardiovascular disease the following 6 years after answering this question. Walking Pace All-Cause Cancer CVD Slow 3.4% 1.5% 0.7%...
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